The fly chronicles – Raymond and the car

There once was a fly that was big and fat

It was black and always sat on a hat

Till one day it smelled something nice

The rotten carcase of mice

It ate until his belly was full

It then had a rumble that started with a pull

The lining of its stomach tore to bear it seeds

The seeds that now sow the stories.

Out of the deepest darkest part of the mouse, Raymond was born. His body was heavy-set and he flew at a slow pace. Despite his slow flying, when he set his sights on something that he wanted he always managed to get it.

A smell seemed to dive him crazy, the smell was rich and foul all at the same time. The smell had him hooked, he was drawn in like two dog in mating season.

After a few minutes he arrived at a brown lump of gold. He wrapped his lips around the foul lump of brown gold and sucked until his belly was full. As he rested his body on the dog crap drunk from its foul nectar. A dark red car swerved down the road. The man in the car had one eye pointing to the sky and the other barely on the road and a tall white can seem to be fixed to his right hand.

Raymond could see the red car rushing towards him. He felt helpless and immobilized. Out of the deepest part of his soul he managed to move his wings. It was all too late for him as the car ran over the dog crap just as he got his wings working. The car carried on driving down the road with a patch of dog crap and a squashed fly on its wheel